Sunday, 18 November 2012

Fresh Air

We should all try to get out into the fresh air more often.

I love the feel of the cold air on my cheeks. Much more than I love the heat on my face...

Today we went on a walk. There is something very nice about getting lost for a couple of hours and only being able to judge the time based on our tummy rumbles.

My OH likes to say 'let's get lost' a lot. We then proceed to the most unwalked in, most umtrampled area of the park or woods.

We don't have days like today enough. If only we could make the effort more often... it makes the tired feeling in the evening so much more worth it!

Today also gave me well needed chance to get to grips with my SLR. After a while of moaning and giving up because I don't know how... I think I got some okay results.

On another note, I am interested, are you a constant reader of mine? What could I do better? What would appeal more to people?

Abi x x

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