Sunday, 20 January 2013

Scrappy Trip Along


 I have spent a lot of time recently looking at pretty quilts on Pinterest and the Internet, and time and time again the instructions would call for a rotary cutter, quilters ruler, and cutting mat. So, ignoring the fact that my hexagon quilt is nowhere near finished, it only made sense to invest in some for myself!

I have always seen Jelly Rolls in sewing shops and always thought 'that seems like a stupid idea'. How wrong I was. Pretty pretty amazing things can be made from them! And when I kept seeing pictures of beautiful geometric shaped quilts on Instagram that were tagged with 'scrappy trip along'... I did some more investigating. This tutorial was so interesting, and made the ridiculously hard looking pattern into something easy... and I even thought I could do it! Oh dear...

Now you may remember when I made my patchwork cushion that I admitted to being terrified of my sewing machine. WELL after a day of cutting out random strips of fabric yesterday, I decided to break out the sewing machine this morning. AND I remembered how to thread the bobbin and the top thread (correct terminology??). 

That's where the successes stopped. 

It has been so long since I  used my sewing machine that I forgot its pretty design on the front! I want to let you know that I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. I was just practising to see what would happen! 

In the pic above, you'll see that I started off my sewing six 2.5" x 16" strips together lengthways. Once that's all done, sew them into a tube lengthways, square off the end and cut this tube into 2.5" smaller tubes that look like this.... 

Scrappy Trip Along

Scrappy Trip Along

Then you just need to be an ultra cool whizz with a seam ripper. 

Scrappy Trip Along

By opening the tubes at different points, you'll end up with....

Scrappy Trip Along
 Yup, at this point i was feeling pretty proud of myself. Then all you need to do is sew the rows together to make a big square. This is where I hit problems. So I understand what an inch is. And with the aid of my patchwork ruler, I could now probably guess about how much 2.5" is. But what the hell is 3/8"?! I know I need a 1/4" seam, and the guide on my sewing machine COULD have helped me out with that, but no. I get a 3/8 mark and on the same line lower down something that says 1/4. You confuse me sewing machine. 

Anyway, I ignored this and carried on regardless... guessing at 1/4". Not a good plan. Sewing the rows together started out okay...

Scrappy Trip Along
Ahhh lovely, see how the squares all match up on the right? I think that's where they stopped matching up.

This is what the end product was...

Scrappy Trip Along

Scrappy Trip Along

Even I can tell that's not right. 

But it hasn't put me off. I have ordered a 1/4" quilting foot, which, I am told, should help out with those pesky seams and 3/8" craziness. 

And just because this isn't perfect, I am still going to keep it, and possibly find a use for it somewhere. It's all a valuable lesson, and one day I will look back on it and laugh. Laugh in the face of sewing machines everywhere! 

If you want to see what a Scrappy Trip Around The World SHOULD look like then look at Katy's blog I'm a Ginger Monkey, go onto the Flickr group for Scrappy Trip Along  or look here.

Or just search it in Google, or Instgram. The serious, and talented quilters are all going a bit crazy for it, and I can see why. 

Until next week, sewing machine. 

 x x x 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it still looks really nice, even if it is not perfect!
